Pitch us a feature

We'd like you to pitch your ideas to us. Login and use the form below for features that form the core of RA's coverage.

We suggest to include four or five sentences explaining why this artist / topic / scene / sound is interesting to you and why our audience should hear about it. We're interested in pitches tied to existing series (Art Of DJing, Breaking Through, etc) as well as standalone ideas.

Resident Advisor currently maintains offices in London, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles and Tokyo, but we can't see or hear everything in our tentpole cities, much less locales where we lack access to on-the-ground reporting. As such, all pitches are encouraged, with an emphasis on Black artists and other scenes powered by minority and marginalised communities, without whom dance music would not exist.

For more information on a breakdown of our regular feature offering, check out this guide to contributing to RA.

You can also read our editorial integrity guidelines here.

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