Boiler Room releases statement on weekender shutdown, slams venue's security

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  • "We believe the actions of the local security on site at Split Rock were wildly inappropriate."
  • Boiler Room releases statement on weekender shutdown, slams venue's security image
  • Boiler Room has put out a statement after their event in Split Rock, Pennsylvania was broken up by police this past weekend. Reports surfaced early Sunday morning that the Boiler Room x Ray-Ban Weekender in the Poconos had been shut down after police intervention, with attendees accusing authorities of unfair treatment and discrimination. Now the streaming platform has spoken out on the events, calling the actions of security at the venue "wildly inappropriate," "breaching clear terms" they had outlined beforehand. "Split Rock steadfastly insisted on using local law enforcement and local security, instead of our intention of bringing in trusted staff from New York," organizers said. "Those local law enforcement and security showed a shocking lack of respect and professionalism to our attendees." Boiler Room claims that at around 2 AM on Sunday morning, a search "escalated quickly" which led to an arrest and "a number of physical confrontations," with the warning that reinforcements from the local police department were being sent in. Organizers chose to shut down the event in order to guarantee the safety of the rest of the attendees and performers. The statement also reveals that a woman remains in custody after the security search, and that Boiler Room are "doing what [they] can to assist her." Another attendee reportedly suffered physical harm at the hand of local security. Read the statement in full here.