Novation revamps the Launchpad

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  • The company's original Ableton Live controller is getting a colorful update.
  • Novation revamps the Launchpad image
  • Novation's Launchpad is slated for an update. Since it was first rolled out in 2009, the pad-based controller line has expanded to include devices that meet any number of needs: there was a smaller version, a "pro" version and versions with knobs and faders. The latest Launchpad is the first new version of the core product since the "S" update in 2013, and it sticks to the script, providing Ableton Live users with an eight-by-eight bank of pads for launching clips. The pads, though, are lit with RGB LEDs, which means they'll match the color of the clips they're assigned to. The grid can also play drum kits, perform a number of mix functions and be further tweaked via Max For Live. The video embedded below shows it in action.
    The Launchpad is coming soon from Novation.