Sinai Sound System crowdfunds following Yorkshire floods damage

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  • The UK dub and reggae crew are facing "a massive repair bill" after water wrecked their Sheffield warehouse two weeks ago.
  • Sinai Sound System crowdfunds following Yorkshire floods damage image
  • Sheffield's Sinai Sound System is seeking donations after their warehouse was damaged in the recent Yorkshire floods. In a Facebook post, the crew says the damage extends to the "entire Sinai reggae and dub record collection, spare pre-amp, drum synth, custom siren, modded Technics SL-1210 and various pieces of outboard hardware." The collective has since launched a GoFundMe campaign to help them with "a massive repair bill" as they recover from "ten thousand pounds of damage." Started in 2014, Sinai Sound System has powered parties and festivals such as Outlook, Dimensions and SubDub. Read the full statement and check out another photo of the damage.