H. Takahashi - Lagoon

  • Slowly burbling downtempo with all elements in complete harmony.
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  • It makes sense that H. Takahashi works as an architect for his day job. The Tokyo-based composer's take on ambient music is a latticework of intersecting angles, blissful melodies slotted together in deceptively simple harmony. "Lagoon," the nearly nine-minute standout from his latest album, Paleozoic, is a perfect example. The track begins with a repeating synth line floating over a foundation of crystalline sustained notes. It progresses like a time-lapse video of a building's construction, as Takahashi finds and fills all possible negative space with tiny details. Rhythms lock into grooves only to be gently upended by a new motif, while melodies gain and shed notes, all to create a serenely beautiful structure.